Iconiq Whisky Price

Iconiq Whisky Price

Having recently entered the Indian whisky industry, are you trying to find the IconiQ Whisky Price online? You’re on the appropriate page.


We are here to give you every detail there is to know about this whisky. To learn more about IconiQ Whisky, feel free to read this article from beginning to end. This Indian whisky has a somewhat unusual name, by the way.

Iconiq Whisky Price in India

Iconiq Whisky Price in assam

Brand NameVolume(ml)Whisky Rates
Iconiq White Whisky Price in assam90ml150 to 170 Rs
Iconiq White Whisky Price in assam180ml220 to 250 Rs
Iconiq Whisky Price in assam375ml380 to 400 Rs
Iconiq White Whisky Price in assam750ml700 to 750 Rs
Iconiq Whisky Price in assam1000ml920 to 950 Rs

Iconiq Whisky Price in punjab

Brand NameVolume(ml)Whisky Rates
Iconiq Whisky Price in punjab90ml140 to 150 Rs
Iconiq White Whisky Price in punjab180ml200 to 220 Rs
Iconiq White Whisky Price in punjab375ml320 to 350 Rs
Iconiq White Whisky Price in punjab750ml600 to 650 Rs
Iconiq Whisky Price near punjab1000ml800 to 850 Rs

Iconiq White Whisky Price in West Bengal

Brand NameVolume(ml)Whisky Rates
Iconiq White Whisky Price in West Bengal90ml130 to 150 Rs
Iconiq Whisky Price in West Bengal180ml190 to 210 Rs
Iconiq White Whisky Price in West Bengal375ml300 to 350 Rs
Iconiq White Whisky Price in West Bengal750ml650 to 700 Rs
Iconiq Whisky Price in West Bengal1000ml890 to 900 Rs

Iconiq White Whisky Price in up

Brand NameVolume(ml)Whisky Rates
Iconiq White Whisky Price in up90ml100 to 140 Rs
Iconiq White Whisky Price in up180ml160 to 180 Rs
Iconiq Whisky Price in up375ml290 to 330 Rs
Iconiq White Whisky Price in up750ml620 to 650 Rs
Iconiq Whisky Price in up1000ml830 to 850 Rs

Iconiq White Whisky Price in Delhi

Brand NameVolume(ml)Whisky Rates
Iconiq White Whisky Price in Delhi90ml90 to 100 Rs
Iconiq White Whisky Price in Delhi180ml150 to 170 Rs
Iconiq Whisky Price in Delhi375ml300 to 320 Rs
Iconiq Whisky Price in Delhi750ml630 to 650 Rs
Iconiq White Whisky Price in Delhi1000ml800 to 850 Rs

Iconiq White Whisky Price in guwahati

Brand NameVolume(ml)Whisky Rates
Iconiq Whisky Price in guwahati90ml140 to 180 Rs
Iconiq White Whisky Price near guwahati assam180ml220 to 240 Rs
Iconiq White Whisky Price in guwahati375ml380 to 400 Rs
Iconiq White Whisky Price in guwahati750ml690 to 720 Rs
Iconiq Whisky Price near guwahati assam1000ml900 to 910 Rs

Iconiq White Whisky Price in kolkata

Brand NameVolume(ml)Whisky Rates
Iconiq White Whisky Price in kolkata90ml120 to 140 Rs
Iconiq Whisky Price in kolkata180ml200 to 220 Rs
Iconiq White Whisky Price in kolkata375ml350 to 380 Rs
Iconiq Whisky Price in kolkata750ml630 to 700 Rs
Iconiq White Whisky Price in kolkata1000ml830 to 850 Rs

Iconiq White Whisky Price near Ludhiana punjab

Brand NameVolume(ml)Whisky Rates
Iconiq White Whisky Price in ludhiana90ml100 to 120 Rs
Iconiq Whisky Price in ludhiana180ml190 to 200 Rs
Iconiq Whisky Price in ludhiana375ml340 to 350 Rs
Iconiq White Whisky Price in ludhiana750ml620 to 670 Rs
Iconiq White Whisky Price in ludhiana1000ml790 to 820 Rs

Iconiq White Whisky Price near siliguri west bengal

Brand NameVolume(ml)Whisky Rates
Iconiq White Whisky Price near siliguri west bengal90ml120 to 140 Rs
Iconiq White Whisky Price near siliguri west bengal180ml210 to 230 Rs
Iconiq White Whisky Price in siliguri375ml350 to 370 Rs
Iconiq Whisky Price in siliguri750ml640 to 720 Rs
Iconiq Whisky Price in siliguri1000ml860 to 890 Rs
Iconiq Whisky Price near Howrah west bengal375ml330 to 350 Rs
Iconiq Whisky Price near Howrah west bengal750ml610 to 680 Rs

Core details of iconiq white whisky

Whisky NameIconiq White Whisky
CategoryBlended Whisky
Cask MaturationBourbon oak Casks
AgeNAS (Minimum 3 years)
ManufacturerAllied Blenders and Distillers

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the owner of iconiq white whisky?

Answer: Iconiq White Whisky owned by Allied Blenders and Distillers.

Who is the owner of Allied Blenders and Distillers (ABD)?

Answer: Kishore Rajaram Chhabria is the owner of ABD.

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