Freeze Vodka Price in India

Freeze Vodka Price in India

Freeze Vodka Price in India

Freeze Vodka Price: This is a global vodka brand; the price in India for 2024 is unknown. The manufacturer of this vodka is the Sazerac Company. In some locations, it’s referred to as Danish vodka. As far as I can tell, this vodka brand isn’t very well-known in India. Only a few states in India consume the most of it. Denmark, a country in Scandinavia, is home to an ancient distillery that manufactures it. This article will also include the cost of this vodka in the state where it is sold.


Freeze Vodka Price in India 2024

Freeze Vodka Price in India90mlUnder 250 to 260 Rs
Freeze Vodka Price in India180mlUnder 350 to 400 Rs
Freeze Vodka Price in India375mlUnder 600 to 650 Rs
Freeze Vodka Price in India750mlUnder 1100 to 1200 Rs
Freeze Vodka Price in India1000mlUnder 1500 to 1600 Rs

Freeze Vodka Price in tamilnadu 2024

Vodka NameVolume(ml)Rates
Freeze Vodka Price in tamilnadu90ml210 to 200 Rs
Freeze Vodka Price in tamilnadu180ml320 to 350 Rs
Freeze Vodka Price in tamilnadu375ml550 to 600 Rs
Freeze Vodka Price in tamilnadu 750ml750ml1050 to 1100 Rs
Freeze Vodka Price in tamilnadu1000ml1350 to 1400 Rs

Freeze Vodka Price in kerala 2024

Vodka NameVolume(ml)Rates
Freeze Vodka Price in kerala90ml200 to 210 Rs
Freeze Vodka Price in kerala180ml340 to 350 Rs
Freeze Vodka Price in kerala375ml600 to 650 Rs
Freeze Vodka Price in kerala750ml1100 to 1150 Rs
Freeze Vodka Price in kerala1000ml1450 to 1500 Rs

Factors Affecting Freeze Vodka Prices

  • Freezer temperature
  • Impurities

Pros and cons of Freeze Vodka


  • Refreshing and enjoyable vodka.
  • Instantly Chilled.
  • No need for ice.


  • Water down to vodka flavour.
  • Some people say vodka flavour is dull.
  • Difficult to control the temperature.

Everything about Freeze Vodka


  • Clean notes and a very natural aroma
  • Hint of citrus and a little bit of vanilla


  • Smooth and mellow
  • Medium Body
  • Slightly Sweet Flavor
  • Overall great taste


  • Long, smooth finish
  • Hint of a Little bit of spice (a Little spice is good for the finish)

Frequently Asked Questions

who is the owner of Freeze Vodka?

Answer: The Devicolam Distilleries is the owner of Freeze Vodka.

who is the manufacturer of frozen vodka?

Devicolam Distilleries produces freeze vodka.

what is the frozen vodka price in kerala?

Answer: The price of frozen vodka for 750ml in kerala is 1100 to 1150 Rs.

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