Missing The Point Meme Template
Nishita 2 years ago
Nishita #viral

Missing The Point Meme Template

The missing the point meme template is a popular format for poking fun at someone who has missed the obvious solution to a problem. The template typically features a close-up photo of a person with a perplexed look on their face, along with the caption when you're trying to solve a problem but you're missing the point.

Missing The Point Meme Template

A missing the point meme template is a photo with white text on a black background. The text typically reads "I'm not sure if you're _____ or just missing the point." The blank is meant to be filled in with whatever you want, but it's usually something ridiculous or nonsensical.

This meme format originated from a scene in the movie Elf, where the character Buddy (played by Will Ferrell) is talking to his father, Walter (played by James Caan). In the scene, Buddy says "I'm not sure if you're stupid or just mean," but it's clear that he doesn't really understand what his father is saying.

The missing the point meme template is popular because it can be used for so many different things. It's great for pointing out when someone has said something that doesn't make any sense, or when they've completely missed the point of what you're trying to say.

If you're looking for a good laugh, then check out some of the best missing the point memes below

What is a Missing The Point Meme Template

In order to create a "Missing The Point" meme, you will need a meme template. This is an image with text that can be easily inserted into the top and bottom of the image. There are many different types of meme templates, but the most popular one for this particular meme is the "Futurama Fry" template. This template features the character Fry from the television show Futurama.

To find a Futurama Fry meme template, simply go to Google Images and search for "Futurama Fry MemeTemplate." This should bring up several different images that you can use. Once you have found a suitable image, right-click on it and select "Save Image As." Save the image to your computer so that you can edit it in an editing program such as Photoshop or GIMP.

Once you have edited the image to your liking, simply upload it to a site such as Imgur or Reddit. Make sure to include the top and bottom text so that others can easily understand your meme.

Missing The Point Meme Template

How To Make a Missing The Point Meme Template

Assuming you would like a step-by-step guide on how to make a “Missing The Point” meme template:

Step 1: Find a funny, relatable picture. This will be the base for your meme. Try to find something that has good lighting and clear resolution for the best results.

Step 2:Open your photo editing software of choice. For this guide, we will be using Photoshop.

Step 3: Create a new file with your funny picture.

Step 4: In the “Text” tool, start typing out what you want the character in the picture to be saying. In this case, we want them to be missing the point. You can play around with different font types and colors until you find something you like.

Step 5: Save your work and share it with your friends!

Template For Making Missing The Point Meme

If you're ever feeling lost or confused, the missing the point meme is here to remind you that you're not alone. This classic meme features a variety of characters making hilariously misguided statements, and it's the perfect way to sum up a situation where someone just doesn't get it.

To make your own missing the point meme, all you need is a photo of someone making a silly face or saying something absurd. Then, add your own caption to highlight the irony of the situation. For even more laughs, try pairing your meme with one of the many popular memes circulating online.

Missing The Point Meme Template

Missing The Point Meme Template Origin

The "Missing The Point Meme Template" is a popular meme that is often used to make fun of people who fail to see the obvious. The template typically features a picture of a person with their head in their hands, with the text "missing the point" overlaid.

The template first gained popularity on the social networking site Tumblr, where it was used to mock people who failed to see the irony or hypocrisy in their statements. It has since been used extensively on other social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.

The origin of the "Missing The Point Meme Template" is unclear, but it is believed to have originated from a Tumblr post in which the template was used to make fun of someone who had made an ignorant statement.


The missing the point meme template is a great way to make fun of someone who has said or done something that completely misses the mark. It's perfect for those times when you just can't help but facepalm at someone's ignorance. So, next time you see someone missing the point, be sure to whip out this meme template and have a good laugh.

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