Meme Templates 3 years ago
memes #memes

Jenga Tower Falling On Girl Meme Template

Jenga tower falls apart on the girl while she is removing a block from Jenga tower is an image getting viral on the internet. Jenga is a very famous game invented by Britishers. In this game Jenga, a tower is built with the help of 54 blocks placed one upon another, and then people take turns to remove a single block without making the tower fall and whoever makes the tower fall while removing the block loses in the game.

Origin of Jenga tower blocks Falling On The Girl Meme Template Image is from a birthday party in which people in the party were playing Jenga game and when one girl at the party tries to remove the block without noticing that tower bricks is about to fall upon her and right then someone takes a photo of her. Somehow this image got viral and people started making memes on and flooded the internet. Here is a Meme Template of Jenga falling on the girl download it and make hilarious memes.

Jenga Falling On Girl Meme Template

Jenga Blocks Falling On Girl Memes

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